Susan Prestage

Ruby on Rails Developer

Technology and continual learning are my passions.

Let's collaborate!

Skills Projects Resume

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My technical blog


Ruby on Rails




command line/


RailsBridge TA

RailsBridge works to make tech more diverse and welcoming by teaching programming, connecting human beings, and listening to people's needs. RailsBridge organizes and teaches free weekend workshops on Rails, Ruby, and HTML & CSS in cities all over the world, targeted at groups of people that are underrepresented in tech.

Ada Developers Academy TA

Ada Developers Academy is a tuition-free programming school for women that teaches full-stack web development. Students learn Ruby, Rails, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, students learn how to work on agile development teams, use pair programming, scrum, and test-driven development in the classroom over 6 months.

Public Speaking

Public speaking has long been a challenge for me. My experiences in 2013 have convinced me of the importance of putting effort into this skill. You will find here my ideas for talks, starting with short lightning talks which I plan to slowly grow into longer talks.

You will find links to my Haiku Decks, hosted and created using the wonderful tools provided by the good folks at Haiku Deck, particular thanks to Catherine Carr, for her intro talk on this product at the CodeChix meetup in December of 2013. I have everything positive to say about Haiku Deck and how easy they make putting together slides with awesome pictures for presentations.

Lightning Talk Ideas/Haiku Deck Links

Impostor Syndrome

Code Fellows Bootcamp Tech Talks

Intro to Cron
(13+ minute talk)
Intro to VI
(6+ minute talk)

Please review my resume for additional details
